Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Israk and Mikraj

27th Rejab of every year in Muslim Calendar, one of the significant festival for the Muslim all over the world. Israk and Mikraj, the journey that our Prophet Muhammad SAW took in one might from Masjidil Haram, Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa, Baitulmaqdis, Palestine and to Sidratul Muntaha. I'm not an expert in this field and I would like to share with all my blog readers the story behind the journey. I 'copycat' this article from Kisah Israk and Mikraj.

HARI ini, 27 Rejab mencatatkan peristiwa penting dalam kerasulan Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu perjalanan Israk Mikraj perjalanan Baginda dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Baitulmaqdis di Palestin serta dari Masjidil Aqsa ke Sidratil Muntaha di langit ketujuh.Firman Allah bermaksud: "Maha suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Masjidil-Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa yang telah Kami berkati sekelilingnya (dengan diturunkan nabi-nabi di negeri itu dan kesuburan tanahnya), agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." (Surah al-Isra', ayat 1)Peristiwa ini berlaku setahun sebelum hijrahnya Nabi SAW ke Madinah bersamaan tahun 721 Masihi. Ia berlaku di tengah-tengah tekanan dan hinaan yang kuat yang dialami oleh Rasulullah dan sahabat daripada kelompok Musyrikin Makkah seperti Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab.Israk Mikraj adalah satu perjalanan kilat Nabi Muhammad pada malam hari atas kudrat dan iradat Allah dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa. Baginda kemudian naik ke langit sampai ke Sidratil Muntaha, bahkan ke Mustawa dan sampai di bawah Arasy Allah (suatu tempat di mana alam ini diatur) dengan menembusi tujuh lapis langit, lalu kembali semula ke Makkah pada malam yang sama.

Kisah-kisah dalam peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj mengandungi sesuatu yang amat menakjubkan kerana ia tidak sama dengan cara perjalanan ditempuh oleh manusia biasa.

Perjalanan ini adalah perjalanan istimewa menggunakan kenderaan Allah yang kelajuannya tidak boleh ditandingi dengan apa saja kenderaan yang direka oleh manusia.

Dalam peristiwa itu Rasulullah SAW diperlihatkan kekuasaan Allah serta balasan yang bakal diterima umatnya di akhirat nanti. Firman Allah bermaksud: Dan demi sesungguhnya! (Nabi Muhammad SAW) telah melihat (Jibril dalam bentuk rupanya yang asal) pada waktu yang lain iaitu di Sidratil Muntaha. "Dekatnya ada syurga tempat tinggal, (Muhammad melihat Jibril) ketika Sidratil Muntaha diliputi oleh sesuatu yang meliputinya.

"Penglihatan (Muhammad SAW) tidak berkisar daripada menyaksikan dengan tepat (akan pemandangan yang indah di situ yang diizinkan melihatnya), dan tidak pula melampaui batas. "Demi sesungguhnya Baginda telah melihat sebahagian daripada sebesar-besar tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan luasnya pemerintahan dan kekuasaan) Tuhan-Nya." - (Surah an-Najm, ayat 13-18).

Antara pengajaran dalam peristiwa itu ialah mengenai wanita. Dalam perjalanan Israk dan Mikraj, Rasulullah SAW turut melewati satu kawasan berbau sungguh harum dengan bau-bauan kasturi. Lalu Baginda bertanya kepada Jibril kawasan apakah yang sedang mereka lalui.

Jibril menjawab: "Itulah makam Masyitah, seorang wanita penghulu syurga." Beliau ialah adalah pengasuh anak Firaun, pemerintah kejam di Mesir yang mengaku dirinya Tuhan. Masyitah berfizikal lemah, mempunyai semangat kuat dan jiwa keIslaman sehingga mampu menafikan keangkuhan Firaun.

Masyitah ialah pelayan raja. Beliau adalah seorang rakyat yang masih sedar dan beriman kepada Allah tetapi disebabkan kekejaman Firaun, beliau dan ramai lagi terpaksa menyembunyikan keimanan mereka.

Pada suatu hari, ketika Masyitah menyikat rambut puteri Firaun, tiba-tiba sikat itu terjatuh. Dengan tidak sengaja, beliau menyebut nama Allah.

Apabila puteri itu mendengar perkataan Allah, dia bertanya kepada Masyitah, siapakah Allah itu. Masyitah pada mulanya enggan menjawab tetapi selepas didesak berkali-kali, beliau akhirnya memberitahu bahawa Allah adalah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Tuhan Sekalian Alam.

Puteri itu mengadu kepada Firaun mengenai perkara itu menyebabkan Firaun terlalu marah apabila mengetahui Masyitah menyembah tuhan selainnya. Masyitah dipaksa Firaun memperakui dirinya (Firaun) sebagai Tuhan, tetapi dengan penuh keberanian beliau berkata: "Tuhan aku dan Tuhan kamu adalah Allah."

Perkataan itu menimbulkan kemarahan Firaun, lalu memerintahkan dibuat patung lembu daripada tembaga untuk diisi minyak bagi merebus Masyitah.

Menteri Firaun, iaitu Hamman, salah seorang penghuni neraka, diperintahkan Firaun untuk membunuh Masyita. Firaun memerintahkan patung lembu itu diletakkan di atas api sehingga panas menggelegak dan mengarahkan Masyitah dan ahli keluarganya dilontar seorang demi seorang.

Pada waktu giliran bayinya hendak dimasukkan ke dalam api itu untuk direbus, Masyitah hampir mengaku kalah dan menyerah kepada kemahuan Firaun kerana terlalu sayangkan anaknya. Tetapi dengan kehendak Allah, berlaku kejadian luar biasa apabila bayi itu dengan fasih berkata: "Wahai ibuku! Teruskanlah dan jangan menyerah kalah, sesungguhnya engkau di atas (jalan) kebenaran."

Masyitah dan keluarganya mempertahankan keimanan mereka dengan mengatakan Allah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Firaun hanya manusia biasa. Lalu semuanya syahid dibunuh Firaun.

Keberanian seorang wanita memperjuangkan kebenaran dan keimanan ini dirakam dan diingati setiap tahun oleh seluruh manusia melalui peristiwa Israk Mikraj.

Semua ahli keluarga Masyitah mendapat balasan syuhada daripada Allah kerana mempertahankan akidah sehingga mati.

Dalam perjalanan itu, Baginda turut diperlihatkan 10 jenis seksaan yang menimpa wanita yang membuatkan Rasulullah SAW menangis setiap kali mengenangkannya.

Dalam perjalanan itu, antaranya Baginda diperlihatkan perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya daripada dilihat lelaki lain.

Seksaan lain yang diperlihatkan Baginda ialah perempuan yang digantung dengan lidahnya dan tangannya dikeluarkan daripada punggung dan minyak panas dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.

Baginda juga melihat bagaimana perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah punggung dan air pokok zakum dituang ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa keizinan suaminya.

Ada pula perempuan diikat dua kakinya serta dua tangannya sampai ke ubun dan dibelit beberapa ular dan kala jengking. Mereka adalah perempuan yang boleh solat dan berpuasa tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak berwuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa mendapat izin suaminya terlebih dulu dan tidak mandi iaitu tidak bersuci selepas habis haid dan nifas.

Selain itu, Baginda melihat perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri manakala di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Mereka adalah perempuan yang berhias untuk dilihat lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan aib orang lain.

Baginda juga melihat perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka memasyhurkan diri sendiri supaya orang melihat akan perhiasannya.

Seksaan lain yang dilihat Baginda ialah perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya pula seperti keldai. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta.

Ada pula perempuan yang Baginda nampak rupanya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya dan keluar melalui duburnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan memfitnah orang lain.

At last, I would like to say, it is really insightful reading and let's take the lesson behind in order to improve our 'taqwa'. Insya Allah.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy 'Sun'day

Pont Neuf

Last Sunday, we went to ‘Jardin de Pont Neuf’ near the town. In French, ‘jardin’ means ‘park’ and ‘Pont Neuf’ means ‘Ninth Bridge’. ‘Pont Neuf’ is significant to Toulouse which is one of the Toulouse landmarks other than Capitole. The history behind it is the construction for the bridge took almost a century. One of the funny reason it took so long to finished because there is a difference of 10 meters between the left and the rights banks. Hehe. Long time ago, flooding of the ‘Garonne’ (big river) destroyed all the previous bridge, but this one has been in place for four centuries because of its tunnels above the arches, allow water to flow away during the floods. If we see with bare eyes, it just a simple bridge but the truth is its have historical value. It shows how intelligent was the ancient architect. Owh yeah.. this entry is not purposely to reveal the history about the bridge, just wanna share some pictures of us when we were there. Actually, we always been there because of its peaceful and now the garden is officially be our ‘port’ for picnic. Hehe.. But last week, I didn’t prepare foods to bring because of last minute planning. Hehe, just one of the reasons to ‘pow’ my hubby for ice cream. Huhuhu.. Besides having an ice cream while witness peoples and kids around having their fun time, we can relax our mind.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Farrel, 5th months

Alhamdulillah, Farrel's celerbrating his 5th months birthday today. Happy 5th months birthday son!! When looking him, I couldn't believe my hubby and I could manage to taking care of him by our own without family members around. Thanks a lot to our friends here who always guide and help us whenever we need a hand. We acknowledge, without proper knowledge that we have and experience people's around, it could be difficult for us. For me, I didn't have any experience dealing with baby before except a little help to looked my little nephew Adam (huhu, miss him so much), but at that time I was a student, same with my hubby.

Now, Farrel is almost 7kg compared to 3.21kg when he was born. Good progress son. But please don't be too chubby, nanti asyik kena cubit je ngan aunties in Malaysia. Hehe. Plus, mummy and daddy pun tak larat nak dukung nanti. Even with almost 7kg now, I have to alternate holding him with my hubby every 10 minutes. Hehe.

A few fact about Farrel:
  • Now, he can sleep independently, just put him on his cot around 1030pm, after 5-10 minutes he will sleep by himself. Before this, I need to 'dodoi' him before he could sleep tightly. At first, Farrel mengamuk juga bila biar dia sorang2 dalam cot, but now he used to it. So proud of you son!!
  • He could hold his bottle by his own. Actually we did teach him since he was 2 months old or we put something to support the bottle, so I have chance to do other things. At the same time, I'm still breastfeeding him and I wish to continue until he reaches 2 years old. Thanks Allah, he accepts both. Some baby refuse breastfeeding when they used to formula milk.
  • Last but not least, he really love to smile and laugh when we or other people around look and tickle him. He's so sporting when he's in good mood and when he's not, everything could become worst. Huhu.
Ok, that's all. Happy 5th months Farrel.

Friday, July 25, 2008


It’s has been a week since the last update about ‘happy day’. Why? I don’t have a specific reason but enough to say that I’m not in good mood to write. Just wanna update what happened recently. Last Saturday we went to Andorra to continue our ‘shopping agenda’. Hehe. FYI, Andorra is a small country, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains boarded between Spain and France and duty-free status. Sounds interesting huh? We left IAS about 7.45 am and safely arrived there around 10.15am. The weather was beautiful that day and we smoothly drove to the destination. We’ve been informed by Uncle Jimmy, the weather was superb compared to the last trip he had joined, and about 5 hours taken to arrive. After we arrived there, we start our ‘explorace’ as we explore shop by shop. Almost all the shop got sale but the situation not happening like in Toulouse. However the price is still cheaper compared to Toulouse. Hehe. From my observation, the price difference is about 20-30Euro. It’s really worth it go there where I managed to have my handbag with 30euro cheaper than Toulouse and my hubby’s watch is 90Euro cheaper. Huhu.. Sound interesting rite?? The objective we were there is to buy Swiss knife ordered by our family and friends in Malaysia. Huhu.. risau jugak kalau tak lepas kat airport nanti, byk sgt pisau Swiss ni. Karang org ingat kiteorg terrorist lak bawak senjata. We think this will be our last trip to Andorra before we fly back to Malaysia and of course we gonna miss it. Besides the shopping matter, Andorra itself is a charming beautiful panorama with fresh air as it is a mountainous country. We are looking forward to Roca Village, the next destination for ‘Explorace’ and ‘shopping agenda’ Part II. Hehe..

Other than that, my hubby keeps himself busy; for the internship and work on the proposal for his Ph.D. For the internship; he already show the progress and at the same time writing his final report. For his Ph.D; he already receive the offer from Surrey by email and will get his offer letter by next week. Hope everything will be ok and smooth. Yet, we don’t know our situation at the moment. We should back to Malaysia first or directly to UK. However, we have to fly back to Malaysia to settle couple of things. Our beloved family in Malaysia really want to meet our new family member, Ahmad Farrel Daniel. Moreover, we really miss them so much and for sure we hope to celebrate Aidilfitri in Malaysia.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Day

Buah Hati Mummy n Daddy

I’m so happy today even I can’t closed my eyes the whole night yesterday, just watched my 2 heroes sleep tightly. Yeah, I admit looking our loving person while they are sleeping can reduce the stress or pressure a.k.a. therapy for mind. Hehe. Besides that, I keep thinking how can I live without both of you babe. Both of you are so significant in my life. Afterwards, I keep dreaming to have a big house, own a business and wondering how will be my life for the next 5 years, 10 years and so on. Hoho.

Today we received three good news;

1st - Just got our allowance from KPT (suppose to received it by the end of this month) meaning that our shopping agenda will be more thrilling. Kikiki.

2nd – Received an email from my hubby’s ex-dean who wants to sell his house in Nibong Tebal and fortunately the house is still available. Actually one of big agenda for this year is to have our own house. In fact, we did ask ayah to look for us a house in Nibong Tebal area since last year and he did list out some. By considering a few factors such as location, facilities, neighbourhood and others, we are interested in house mentioned before. The house is Double Storey Semi-D and overall land size is 35 by 75 feet, built size is 22 by 65 feet. The owner already make a lot of renovations such as extension for wet kitchen, use high quality ceramic for floor tiles, fixed stairs and 2nd floor with floor board system, kitchen cabinet custom made with bar-counter, all ceiling are plaster-crafted and the gate already installed with automatic system. The owner moved to Selangor due to some reason and he said that he considered the house is ‘give-a-way’. We saw the pictures of the house and ask ‘ayah’ to ensure the house. What can I say about the price is reasonable with the house condition. Hopefully, if our ‘rezeki’ is there so we can own the house. Really hope for that.

3rd - Accepted the book that we order from and still waiting for another one. The book title is ‘The Choice’ written by Nicholas Spark. I do admire the writer because the way he delivered the story is very interesting. Another book we are waiting also written by him. Till now we already have some from his collection.

Ok, till then.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Value of Heart

I do love the Daily Motivator, featuring Ralph Marston's Inspirational and Upbeat messages. And below I quoted one from Motivation @ Inspiration from The Daily Motivator.

When your world seems frustrating, keep in mind that the most important part of you exists beyond those frustrations. When life feels painful, never forget that the pain, however difficult it may be, is confined to just a small portion of who you truly are.

All around you are things you can see and touch and physically manipulate. They are part of life, but they are by no means all there is.

You cannot hold love in your hand, and yet you know for certain that it exists. You cannot capture joy in a box or an envelope and yet you have no doubt that it is real.

When the outward concerns of life seem to be overwhelming, remind yourself, there's more. There is so very much more to living and being than those things you can see and hear, taste and smell, touch and possess.

Even those losses and disappointments that feel big and burdensome, are small in comparison to all the beautiful, positive possibilities living within you. Look beyond the noisy, superficial distractions and remember the miracle of your existence.

Live your life around the values in your heart. And those everyday pains and nuisances will lose their power to bring you down.

[Ralph Marston]

For me when talking about value of heart is the same as talking on value of life. Money is not everything. We can't pay even with our life. But we can fill our life with loves and happiness, and it makes our life more meaningful. Yea, everybody has their own ways how to enjoy their life, makes their life happy, how to overcome problems and all. I won't deny it. What every it is, the direction is still the same. At the end, the result must be satisfied and enjoyable even how hard to achieved. Like the people always said, "Taste the pain to taste the sweets". I'm really happy with my life now. Thanks God for all the sweetness and pain. I learned everything what if life all about. Let's enjoy every single second of life. Life to the fullest!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Sleep a bit late yesterday because watched the debate between DSAI and Dato' Shabery Cheek. The topic was 'Hari Ini Kita Perintah, Esok Harga Minyak Turun'. Once I heard about that its ridiculous but after DSAI gave all the fact, there is the truth. In my mind, why Malaysian Governement now can't have that kind of idea?? Then for me, Dato' Sabery Cheek was out of topic. He just interested to attack DSAI in personal matter and not give the rational why the government increased the fuel price. He not qualified to be a Minister and should resign from his post. Tak gitu Nurul?? Hehe, terelebin emosional lak. Kwang3x.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Latest Pic 3 of US

This is the first posting for July, no updates since the internet has a problem. Erm.. Actually I have no idea what should I pen here but I’ll try my best to write since there are no updates for July yet. Just wanna list what was happen recently;

1. Alhamdulillah, our goods arrived safely last Thursday, 3rd July 2008 and collected by ‘Ayah’ at MAS Cargo Penang. There are a lot of procedures need to comply with before he could claim our boxes. Been waiting nearly 6 hours there prior to pick up the freight. Malaysian Customs did constrict the inspection process and we have been told by ‘Ayah’, normally they imposed 100% of tax on the value of things. Fortunately, ‘Ayah’ discussed with MAS Cargo personnel, so that it just cost us about RM200 (the payment of ‘duit kopi’), instead of RM5000. Luckily, ‘Ayah’ knows how to deal with. Thanks to Ayah.


Mummy.. tired laaa

Mummy.. dodoilaaa.. Farrel nak sleep

2. Farrel’s weight now is almost 7kg. “Farrel Membesar Bagaikan JUARA”. huhu.. Now, he loves to roll his body on his ‘tapis’. The most favourite place he likes to play is under the bed. Haha.. Banyak-banyak tempat dalam rumah, kat bawah katil paling Farrel suka. He also loves to smile and laugh when people amuse him. Recently we give him cereal once a day, combine with his milk. Received his first book last Tuesday from Amazon. In fact, we wanted to buy that book at Disneyland Paris during last vacation; bad for us, the store can’t accept bank card because their machine is broken so we decided to order it from Amazon where the price is cheaper.

3. Daddy @k@ my hubby just received an email from Surrey’s lecturer concerning his Ph. D’s application. The topic is related to formation flying using electrostatic forces (charges) and funded by European Space Agency. Sounds great and the responsibility is really huge. But it’s still in discussion phase. Hope everything will be fine till he get Ph. D. Aja aja fighting Daddy!!

"Borong" from

4. Me?? Hehe.. Nothing much about me. The most satisfied and happiest thing is, I just bought new watch and Swarovski’s bangle with 50% off respectively. The bad news is M.A.C product have no sales at all. Huhu However I still consider buying their products because the price is reasonable compared to Malaysia. And now, I love to bake cuppies (cup cakes) which is famous in Malaysia lately. There are varieties of interesting appearance for cup cakes. I am hoping in the future I can own a business related to bakery. Insya Allah.

Ok, till then.