Saturday, August 2, 2008

Keropok Lekor

Tadaa... Kopok Lekor from Toulouse

This is my first entry about cooking. Be frankly, I not really good in cooking, but since year ago my cooking skills keep improving. Hmm.. I think.. Heheh.. Got the idea of making this ‘keropok lekor’ after read Nurul’s blog. Heheh.. it's not difficult in fact. However, my 1st try keropok lekor a bit ‘liat’(my hubby said like chewing gum) and it’s good for mouth exercise. Hihi.. actually I put more starch sbb I dah terlajak letak air. huhu.. But the taste still likes ‘keropok lekor pasar malam’. Thanx Nurul for the recipe. Below I attached the ingredients.

  • 1 kilo ikan kembung/selayang/mackerel
  • 500 g tepung ubi/tepung sagu
  • Garam secukup rasa
  • Ice cube
  • Air (agak2 le)
  1. Asingkan isi ikan dari tulangnya, kemudian tumbuk @ cincang halus2.
  2. Sambil tumbuk halus isi ikan tadi masukkan kiub ais tadi sikit demi sikit.
  3. Gaulkan tepung bersama dengan isi ikan tadi sambil masukkan sedikit garam dan air (agak2 le).
  4. Akhir sekali uli bahan2 tadi bentuk kan menjadi bulat memanjang dan rebus kedalam air mendidih. bila dah timbul angkat , sejukkan dan bolehlah goreng dan makan..


Zara in Germany said...

eh nape kopok lekor nurul kelabu, kopok lekor niza gold?

anyway, saya wat phd in civil eng kat sini... dgn toulouse jauh tak? hahaha (ada plan baekk nyer nih).

Nurul said...

hehehe..senang kan??sodap tu..

Anonymous said...

kopok niza toulouse mari, kopok nurul belgium nya. so lain2 la kaler dia. wakaka..

barcelona ngan toulouse x jauh, 3 jam je, niza sefmly pergi aritu balik hari je. jemput la dtg toulouse. hehe.

Zara in Germany said...

eh niza, betul ke 3 jam aje? i had the impression yg it takes 7 jam...naik apa dr barcelona-toulouse tu? ingat nk balik ari aje...ada pun 5 hr aje kat barcelona...ahad ni yg nak gi nye...

Anonymous said...

naik kete, mmg 3 jam, x lama pun, toulouse dh selatan france. niza skrg ni xder internet kat umah. apa2 hal zara kontek je no ni 06 98 50 86 55. susahnya internet asek problem nih.